Reference 1: Octacosanol in human health

See Article

Reference 2: l-Carnitine Supplementation in Recovery after Exercise

See Article

Reference 3: Dietary Supplementation of Octacosanol Improves Exercise-InducedFatigue and Its Molecular Mechanism

See Article

Reference 4: Effects of acute caffeine, theanine and tyrosine supplementation on mental and physical performance in athletes

See Article

Reference 5: Use of amino acids as growth hormone-releasing agents by athletes

See Article

Reference 6: Selected herbals and human exercise performance

See Article

Reference 7: Effects of Chronic Supplementation of L-Arginine on Physical Fitness in Water Polo Players

See Article

Reference 8: Herbal medicine for sports a review

See Article

Reference 9: The effect of l-arginine supplementation on body composition and performance in male athletes a double-blinded randomized clinical trial

See Article

Reference 10: Long-term therapy with policosanol improves treadmill exercise-ECG testing performance of coronary heart disease patients

See Article

Reference 11: Selenium and human health

See Article